Home News God is Doing Something Big in Taiwan

God is Doing Something Big in Taiwan

Taiwan Christians

As millions celebrated Easter this year, Christians in Taiwan enjoyed an unprecedented gathering.

For the first time, Christians from various cities in Taiwan came together for one purpose: introducing the Taiwanese people to Jesus.

Nothing could stop them from singing and celebrating over Easter weekend. Taiwanese were fired up – for Jesus!

Church leaders in Taiwan invited Christians from around the country to join the important occasion.

“This nation needs God. Each one of us needs to know God and follow Him. Only in Jesus will Taiwan become a better country,” said one Christian participant.

This year’s Easter gathering was the largest for Taiwanese Christians in the past 40 years. For 48 hours, Christians of various ages prayed and sang together without sleeping. They passionately praised God and thanked Him for what He has done for the nation.

Church leaders believe God is about to do something big.

Pastor Nathaniel Chow- of Bread of Life Christian Church explained, “Taiwan is experiencing some unprecedented changes right now. God is in control of Taiwan. We need to work harder to wake up each Taiwanese to tell them about Jesus. This nation needs prayers and we will not stop praying for this nation.”

Some church leaders urged Christians to pray for several controversial issues, like legalizing gay marriage and education policy reform. They want Taiwan’s leaders to know that only God can provide the country with the best future.

“Our government leaders need to know Jesus and pray for the unity of the nation. Taiwan is like a fountain– once it’s broken into pieces, the water will start to leak,” said one church leader.  “We need to make sure our nation provides a solid foundation for receiving the blessings and guidance of Jesus.”

Christians in Taiwan will continue to make their voices heard, planning bigger events. They are praying that someday their government leaders will also come to join the family of Jesus.

Source: CBN News

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