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Devotion: Where Were You? The Birth of Light

Devotion: Where Were You? The Birth of Light


Read Job 38:1-21

Where Were You? The Birth of Light

“The Bible is enveloped by the imagery of light, both literally and figuratively,” the Dictionary of Biblical Imagery says. “At the beginning of the biblical narrative, physical light springs forth as the first created thing (Gen. 1:3–4). At the end of the story the light of God obliterates all traces of darkness: ‘And night shall be no more; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light’ (Rev. 22:5). Between these two beacons the imagery of light makes nearly two hundred appearances, with light emerging as one of the Bible’s major and most complex symbols.”

This month we’ll be studying this highly meaningful and complex symbol. In general, we’ll examine the biblical passages to see the “story of light” from creation to the new Jerusalem. We’ve also organized our study to reflect how the image or metaphor of light is used in Scripture to reveal more about God the Father, God the Son, God’s Word, and even us as followers of Christ.

In today’s reading, God Himself spoke about creation. This was His first of two speeches in the dramatic finale of the book of Job. (For a book study of Job, see our June 2015 issue.) After a rather long and stressful conversation among Job and his three friends, God Himself showed up to settle matters and end their debate. The purpose of all the rhetorical questions and sarcasm in this passage is to put these squabbling humans in their place and to underscore for them the immense gulf between human and divine wisdom, authority, goodness, and power. Did they know the way to light’s birthplace? Certainly not!

Job already knew this intellectually, but he needed the spiritual reminder that the best and most fitting response to God is humility and worship.


Light and dark are powerful, universal symbols. We suggest that keeping a study journal will help you get more out of this month’s devotions. You’ll be able to track what you learn, identify favorite verses, and see interconnected themes and meanings. Then you’ll be able to easily review and share what you learn!

Today in the Word is a production of Moody Global Ministries

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