Home News American Pastor Jailed in Turkey to Face Additional Charges

American Pastor Jailed in Turkey to Face Additional Charges

Andrew Brunson

Pastor Andrew Brunson, who has been held in a Turkish prison for nearly a year by the government is set to face four additional charges.

The additional charges include, “Espionage,” “acquiring secret political and military information,” “attempting to destroy constitutional order and overthrowing the Turkish parliament,” in addition “membership in an armed terroristic organization,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

Brunson and his wife, Norine, who have lived in Turkey since 1993 and raised three children there, serve a small Presbyterian church in the coastal city of Izmir.

The government initially arrested both the pastor and his wife on October 6, releasing her but keeping him incarcerated.

Despite personal requests from President Trump and Vice President Pence, the government has refused to release him, instead piling up more charges.

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