Home Devotion For Today Devotion: Seeing is Believing

Devotion: Seeing is Believing

Today in the Word: John
Read John 4:27-54
Seeing is Believing

Do personal reviews on social media sites such as Yelp make a difference? Researchers say, definitely! They estimate that more than 70 percent of consumers will be influenced to stay at a hotel or eat a restaurant if the business has positive reviews. In fact, 88 percent of consumers trust online reviews just as much as the recommendations they receive from their friends.

After the Samaritan woman left Jesus, she returned to her town giving Him rave reviews. She shared how Jesus told her everything she ever did. Then, taking her impression one step further, she posed the question: “Could this be the Messiah?” (v. 29). Her testimony was effective: “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him” (v. 39). Jesus stayed with the Samaritans for two days, and after He left many more became believers. It was impossible to remain unchanged once they had seen and heard Him firsthand.

From there Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee where He performed His first miracle. He was confronted by a royal official whose son was close to death (v. 47). When the father asked Jesus to intervene, His response may seem surprising: “Unless you people see signs and wonders . . . you will never believe” (v. 48). Yet the official continued to beseech Jesus to come to his child’s aid. Notice that Jesus did not grant his request to go to the child, but He performed a miracle of healing from where He was. When the official obeyed Jesus, he learned that his son had been healed at the exact time Jesus said he would live (vv. 50–53). Certainly, this was cause to believe! His entire household, which would likely have included both children and servants, trusted in Christ.


While we often testify about the latest restaurant we enjoyed or complain about a horrible hotel we visited, we may fail to testify on the Lord’s behalf. Share with someone today, in person or even on social media, the blessing God has been to you. Your personal testimony may have a greater impact than you would expect.

Today in the Word is a production of Moody Global Ministries

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