Home News Aftermath of Las Vegas Shooting: Agnostic Affirms Faith in God

Aftermath of Las Vegas Shooting: Agnostic Affirms Faith in God

Las Vegas Shooting
A person takes cover at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival

The U.S. and the world is reeling this morning from news of an horrific shooting which was carried out in Las Vegas, Nevada last night. More than 50 people were killed and over 400 injured in the mass shooting which was the deadliest in U.S. history.

In the midst of this tragedy and violence, one man’s faith was renewed.

CharismaNews.com reports that Taylor Benge was attending the Jason Aldean concert at the Mandalay Bay casino in Las Vegas when shooter Stephen Paddock rained bullets into the crowd.

“It’s a fight or flight situation. You can’t really, you just gotta take it to God at that point and hope that you can make it,” Benge recalled.

“If it were over here, and I took cover, there will still bodies on that side of people just laying in pools of blood,” Benge added, telling CNN, “I still didn’t know if that was safe or not.”

Benge says that prior to the shooting he considered himself an agnostic, but being in that life or death situation caused his perspective to shift.

“I know I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, I’m just, you know, I was agnostic going into that concert, I’m a firm believer in God now because there’s no way that, you know, all that happened and I made it and I was blessed enough to still be alive here talking to you today,” he shared.

See Benge’s account below: