Home News CAN Seeks Christian Unity in Evangelism

CAN Seeks Christian Unity in Evangelism

CAN - 2019 elections
Christian Association of Nigeria
CAN Seeks Christian Unity in Evangelism

In confronting the mammoth challenges in the nation, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has called on the Christian community to be united in preaching the gospel, while stressing that Christians come out en masse to evangelise across the nation, come Saturday, May 26th-the Global Outreach Day.

President of CAN, Rev. Samson Ayokunle, made this wakeup call through Evang. Oguazi Onyemobi, the national coordinator of the Global Outreach Day Nigeria.

Global Outreach Day, according to Onyemobi is about fulfilling the great commission assigned to Christians by Jesus Christ.

Onyemobi explained that Global Outreach Day which has taken root in about 150 countries of the world is in fulfillment of the Great Commission assigned Christians, irrespective of their denominations to stand together as one army in sharing the gospel of the love of Jesus Christ.

“In Nigeria the initiative is gaining strength and galvanising the entire Christian workforce, both old and young to stand together to confront and defeat the mammoth problems of the nation.

“At a time when the face of our nation is being darkened by poverty, corruption, immortality, hate and terrorism, the Nigerian Church is determined through the Global Outreach Day to ligfht up the nation with truth, love, peace, righteousness and hope through the gospel

“The Christian Association of Nigeria strongly supports Global Outreach Day, and our national president, His Eminence Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle has called on the entire Church in Nigeria to be united in this effort to preach the gospel,” Onyemobi told newsmen at a briefing recently.

He added that it is expected that on the said day, Christians are expected not to sit at home but to take to the streets with the target to win souls for Christ.

The national coordinator stated thus: “Every believer is to go out and share the love of Jesus Christ to at least one person. This shall be done in every nook and corner in Nigeria; in buses, streets and market places. Many will knock at doors, visit hospitals, orphanages, prisons and the less privileged.

“The youths will conduct road shows with about 10 trailer trucks equipped with public address system that will drive through the major streets of Lagos; with music and gospel messages to spread the love of Jesus Christ in the City.”

He further urged individuals, ministries, churches to cooperate with the organisers of the Global outreach Day in order to have a successful outing in addition to other activities ahead of the day.

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