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Post-election: 3 things every Christian should remember

3 things every Christian should remember
Nigerians voting

The 2019 general elections in Nigeria have come and gone. Although few seats are still being contested in supplementary elections, majority of the winners have been declared.

For some, our favourite candidates lost and for others, they won. This has been a time of despair and hopelessness for a lot of Nigerians. However, as Christians, a reminder of the past and a right perspective of the present are important as we move further especially in the political realm.

Here are 3 things every Christian should remember during this period.

God is sovereign

A. W. Pink once noted that to make mention of God’s sovereignty today, “is in many quarters, to speak in unknown language.” However, every page of the Bible reminds us that God is in total control. Sovereignty characterises the whole being and work of God.

He is sovereign in creation, salvation, operation, administration and leadership. Jesus reminded Pilate, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.” Leaders have power because the ultimate source of power, God, has willed it.

For those who are disappointed, it is a time to ask yourself: “who do I really believe is regulating affairs on earth – God or the politicians?”

Hope lies in God, not in political structures

The first point might be a focus on those disappointed with the results. This point focuses on those pleased with it.

At the start of every new term, there is hope. We celebrate a new dawn. Finally, “the time has come when every of our economic and social maladies would be resolved,” we think.

How many a time have we been disappointed? Politics and political structures is a reminder that man cannot be trusted. We are filled with optimism, but in four years chances are that they would be dashed.

1 Peter 1:3-4 reminds us of a living hope safe and secure in God through Christ. The Christian hope is based on the historical resurrection of Christ. This reminds us that God has neither abandoned nor forsaken us. He is always with us and works with, and within us. We have every reason to trust Him.

Where does your hope lay – in God or political structures?

Pray and work

As Christians, we believe that God answers prayers. We also believe that praying does not negate our responsiblity to work with the resources he has given us and be faithful at that.

Hence, it behooves on us never to stop praying for our leaders – whether we agree with their policies or not. Paul writing to young Timothy said, “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men – for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior…”

Nigeria needs peace and tranquility – peace in our land and peace in the hearts of men – without which development will be stunted. We should always pray for this.

As we look through the lens of today, the future might seem dim and hopeless. But we have a God who is fully in control. The past was in His hands, the present is being directed by Him and the future is known by Him. We can approach the next phase with this confidence.

God bless Nigeria!

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