Home Devotion For Today Destiny awake inspirational

Destiny awake inspirational


(a daily inspirational that helps you get to your destination)
Pst. Oluwamide Oladeji

Scripture: _the man who had received five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained give more. But the man who had received one talent went off , dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. Matthew 25:16,18._

About two years ago, as i sat in God’s presence fellowshipping, It came clearly to me that I should daily send inspirational to contacts on my watsap. I thought how will i get what to send everyday, who will read what I send, will they read?

Above all these questions that arose in my mind, I knew I am a debtor to the investment of redemption over my life, I also know that my generation needs help and I have a token to give.

This inspirational is my little 5 loaves and 2 fishes, I know the Lord will bless and multiply it. Anytime I send this inspirational, joy unspeakable always fill my heart, I know holy spirit is Happy with me, I always feel paid with that joy.

The unthankful servant killed the potential of that powerful talent in the dust. The Lord is challenging you today to plant your seed, do business with your talent, spiritual gift, skill and divine ability that is in you.

Take that project from thought level to practical level. Everybody may not like God-given ability in you but do business with it daily. The brother of David said, what are you doing here, are you not too young to dare Goliath? David said is there no reason.

Many people are angry with God because he doesn’t give them much but they never do business with the little they have. God blesses faithfulness.

I am sent to encourage you to plant your seed, do business with the idea God placed in your heart.

As a minister of the gospel of christ, I cry and weep as I see the need of this generation but I also understand that i can lift my one talent to God to bless.

I wish, i plan and dream to do more but I have purposed to lift my 5 loaved and 2 fishes to God to bless. I have made Decision to always do business with my God’s given grace.

God has commanded the ground to yield increase to the man that plants. Daily I look for opportunity to plant, as much as there is law of sowing and reaping, my harvest will be great.

Do something with your God given ideas and insights. Are you to go for a course, that is your seed, plant it. I mean execute it. Nobody will appreciate God-given idea until it is executed.

has God given you an idea of a business, get up and do it. You will not win a sinner to christ with your thought until you preach.

I pray the Lord will anoint you to deliver what he has kept in you for your generation. Your seed of idea may be insignicant, just plant it in due season, you will rejoice you do.

There is a story of two farmers who are desperately praying for rain. One cleared and prepare his farm for the rain, while the other one do nothing with his farm. Who is actually expecting the rain?

Prayer: *Lord Jesus you are the that both help me both to will and to do your good pleasure, help me Lord to trade with destiny seed you place in my heart in Jesus’ name.*

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji
Fathering Centre, Oyo
+2349034412593, +2348053246946