Home Devotion For Today Daily Devotion: He is Risen

Daily Devotion: He is Risen

Today in the Word
Read John 20
He is Risen

On August 14, 1945, President Harry Truman announced that Japan had unconditionally surrendered to the Allies, bringing an end to World War II. Two million people crowded into New York City’s Times Square to begin a celebration that would continue for days. In Chicago, a half million people crowded into the Loop. The war, with all of its suffering and loss, was finally over. Victory was ours. Peace was secured.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was revealed quietly at first to a few individuals. Yet it was still characterized by amazement and excitement. God had declared victory over death. Jesus was risen, just as He said! (see Matt. 28:6).

The day started out in a panic. Mary Magdalene was visiting the tomb and startled to discover that the stone had been removed. Assuming the worst, she ran for the disciples. Peter then ran to examine the evidence. Scripture tells us the disciples “still did not understand” (v. 9). Mary, still distressed by the absence of Jesus’ body, began to weep.

And then Jesus appeared, and He spoke her name. And in that moment, everything changed. Her distress quickly turned to joy, and she immediately went to tell the others: “I have seen the Lord!” (v. 18). Jesus appeared not just to Mary but also to the disciples. They were overjoyed to be reunited, and even Thomas, heavy with doubt, believed. They saw Him, spoke to Him, and touched Him.

John wants us to have no doubt about the purpose for this Gospel: “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (v. 30). The war is over. Victory is ours through Jesus!


Reading this account of the Resurrection should fill your heart with joy. And this Gospel was given to you so that you, also, might believe in the One who conquered the grave on your behalf. Have you declared Jesus as your Lord and your God? If you have, praise Him today. And, if not, He has given you all of these signs so you might have life.

Today in the Word is a production of Moody Global Ministries