Home News Kukah Expresses Disappointment Over Corruption Fight

Kukah Expresses Disappointment Over Corruption Fight

Bishop Kukah
Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah
Kukah Expresses Disappointment Over Corruption Fight

Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah has expressed disappointment over the fight against corruption by the President Buhari led administration stating that the President does not understand corruption.

The Bishop stated this while making an appearance on GatefieldTV’s #ConversationswithAbangMercy.

While comparing the current approach of the president to his efforts in 1984, Kukah said,

“My worry is that President Buhari thought and probably still thinks corruption is stealing money, and the people stealing money are largely bureaucrats or government officials.

“There are people who are key kingpins in APC today who were sentenced to various years of imprisonment by Buhari in 1984, some up to a 100 years but since this is Nigeria many of them have finished serving their 100-year jail term.

“Buhari was not brought into power by angels. We know the nature of the vehicle that would bring anybody to the presidency of Nigeria.

“Well, there are a lot of people who were beneficiaries of Jonathan’s corruption.. I guess it’s a measure of the man’s greatness that he has not stepped forward to tell people the things they need to know.”

The cleric also expressed dissatisfaction with the President’s response to the killing of Christians and other ethnic minorities across Nigeria.

“Over two years, with all the killings across the middle belt, across Nigeria by Fulani Herdsmen, by all kinds of people, destruction of churches everything that has taken place we have not heard an official statement from the government not to talk of having a conversation about compensation,” he said.

He argued that the real opposition to Buhari’s presidency resides within his government.