Home News Bishop Seun Adeoye Cautions Buhari Ahead of 2019 Polls

Bishop Seun Adeoye Cautions Buhari Ahead of 2019 Polls

Bishop Seun Adeoye

Bishop Seun Adeoye, general overseer of the Sufficient Grace and Truth Ministry (SGTM), Rehoboth Arena, Okinni, Osun state has cautioned President Muhammadu Buhari against contesting the 2019 presidential election.

Bishop Adeoye in a statement issued on Sunday, September 17 urged Buhari to shun all entreaties by selfish politicians to drag him into seeking re-election.

The clergy advised the president to learn from the good examples laid by the late President Nelson Mandela of South Africa.

”I think Nigerians should not be taken for granted. President Buhari should not push Nigeria citizens beyond limit by coming out again. If he does, he will only dent his image of integrity built over the years. He will be helping this country not to contest than putting himself forward again.

”I was one of those who fervently prayed to God to heal our president and bring him back to office to complete his tenure.

”Thank God, he is back. So, President Buhari should just finish his term; go back home and rest after 2019. I think it is unthinkable for him to seek for another four years in office going by his state of health,” he said.

Bishop Seun Adeoye also called on other Nigerians to join in pressurizing President Buhari not to seek second term on office for the sake of this country.

According to him, ”I am of a strong view that Nigeria of today needs an energetic and intelligent president that will make us compete with other great nations of the world.

”Our country is faced with several challenges, so we need someone who will be ready to fix our myriad of problems. We should stop pretending all is not well in Nigeria, so we need a creative thinker to help us.

”It is only President Buhari that can lay the foundation for the emergence of such a good leader as his declaration not to seek a second term in office will bring out array of qualified individuals from which the best choice will be made.”

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