Home News Liberia to Launch Christian Newspaper Soon

Liberia to Launch Christian Newspaper Soon

Alfred L. M. Gezaye Managing Editor of the Christian Newspaper. (Source, Liberian Observer)

A newspaper that aims to propagate the message of the Christian community is expected on the Liberian market soon.

The Christian News, as it is titled, is expected to be launched on Thursday, October 26, 2017.

The Managing Editor of the newly formed paper, Alfred Gezaye, said the launch will take place at the Church of the Believers in New Matadi Estate and wants church leaders and heads of Christian organizations to grace the occasion. The motto of the paper is, “Let the Church be heard.”

“The paper will be published on a weekly basis and will promote stories from the Christian communities, churches and Christian organizations. Over the years church stories died natural death due to political stories overweighing them. But we think it’s about to give the Christian community a pace on the news stand in our country.”

Mr. Gezaye said church leaders should see the launch of the paper as an opportunity to market their institutions and the spreading of God’s message to where they cannot reach.

The Liberian journalist called on heads of churches and Christian organizations to partner with his institution for its survivability.

‘The Christian Newspaper was founded by professional Christian journalists who felt the need for the Church to be heard. We seek your prayers as we step out by faith for the fulfillment of the great commission of Jesus through journalism. Together, we believe we can make the church to be heard globally.”