Home News Parents Urged To Prayerfully Instruct Their Wards

Parents Urged To Prayerfully Instruct Their Wards

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The Cross stands as a symbol of God's forgiveness
Parents Urged To Prayerfully Instruct Their Wards

Parents, especially mothers have been challenged not to  relent in praying for their wards to become responsible Nigerian citizen by being law abiding and avoiding acts that can easily turn them to social misfits.

Wife of the Vicar, Saint Andrew’s Anglican Church, Sabon-Gari, Minna, Mrs. Gladys Ijeoma Mgbemena gave the advice in an interview shortly after the 2018 Mothering Sunday Thanksgiving Service.

Mgbemena, who is the Women’s District President, Mothers’ Union, Women’s Guild and Girls’ Guild, Diocese of Minna (Anglican Communion), reminded Christian women in particular about their God given responsibility of building the homes, a task they must not fail.

Speaking on the year’s Mothering Sunday service with the theme: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ”, Gladys Mgbemena, lamented that cases of divorce among Christians is becoming worrisome and emphasized the need for prayers for God’s intervention.

She said christian mothers should learn to persevere to overcome any difficulties in bringing up disciplined children by prayerfully seeking for God’s intervention to keep their homes united instead of opting for divorce which always have negative consequences on their children.

She said, As mothers, let us not relegate our God given role of buiding decent homes for a better society. Building homes with the fear of God will translate into a better society we all will be proud of.”

The Minna District President of Mothers’ Union, however, blamed negative characters common to present day children to social media and peer groups and therefore urged mothers to always be friendly with their children so that they can open up to them when faced with such negative tendencies.

Urging parents to monitor the kind of firms their children watch, what they do on the internet and the kind of friends they keep, the Vicar’s wife said, “As mothers, we must not spare the rod and spoil the child. Be friendly with your children and by so doing you will be able to discover their shortcomings and correct them accordingly.”

Mgbemena said she has learnt to preach the complete word of God not only to her children but the District church on the for them to become better citizens and therefore urged all Christian mothers to resist the temptations of taking up fight against others trying to correct their wards when they go wrong.

Mgbemena ,who made reference various portions of the Bible to back up her message, said, “Children are gifts from God, allow others help you train your children by way of correcting them if they go wrong when you will not be there.”

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